

Star Zahra is a Nigerian writer, poet, an fabric designer. She was Miombo’s Princess Of African Poetry 2019 and the author of The Dance of Dawn. Presently a BA English undergrad at the University of Abuja, she has created ten original pieces for the Engaging Borders Africa project. 

TJ Benson is a self-taught visual artist and photographer based in Kaduna, Nigeria. He is also a fiction writer. He started with a Kodak film camera given to him by his father  just before his eleventh birthday. He has created ten distinct images for the Engaging Borders Africa project. 

Sef Adeola is a digital artist partly inspired by African cave art and the textile traditions of Yoruba culture. His works use a lot of symbolism and he loves stories and poetry just as much as he loves illustrating them. Sef created ten original pieces of digital art around the core themes of the project.